Monday, June 8, 2009

Homecoming, Part I

Today was Claire's coming home day. However, things didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped. Due to some unexpected events, we spent more time at the hospital than we wanted waiting for Claire and Mommy to be discharged and released. In true Aunt Fabby fashion, I managed to snap a few shots while we waited out the long day.

Jake came to be with Mommy and Daddy while we waited to bring his new Sissy home. His whole routine has been disrupted this week, and like the rest of us, he's very tired. I don't think anyone has been able to "get our naps out" yet, so he's been acting out a little due to fatigue...and maybe a little out of hurt feelings. He's not used to having to share all the attention.

He's a tired boy, but he snuggled right up to his Mommy!

I've mentioned Claire's dark spiky hair to several people. Here is a profile picture of her that shows off the mess of hair she has...dark like her Mommy.

Since she was ready to go home, Andi decided she wanted to sit in another chair...not the bed. But, because the room was on the smaller side, there's not so much sitting room. Jason took the opportunity to climb up on the bed and stretch out his legs. What a great place for two sleeping children! We decided a family shot was in order. (Notice the pink shirts. Guess the Browns are "tickled pink" too!

It didn't take long for the waiting to get to us. Understandably, Jason dealt with it the best he could without a PSIII.

Apparently his attempt at sawing logs to build that cabin in the Smokies was a bit disturbing to Claire. She gave her best "mean mug."

Also, Jake reminded us of his homecoming day picture with the hand on the knee.

Claire already loves to play dress up. Or at least she doesn't cry when Aunt Fabby and Mommy play dress up with her. Andi calls this picture Claire's "Little House on the Praire Close Up."

I just think she's her Mommy!

But she does kind of favor her Aunt Fabby too!

This is a beautiful shot of her Coming Home outfit. Jason said that every little girl needs to come home from the hospital in a white dress to show her purity. I have to admit that while the theory is a little silly to me, the dress is perfect.

While I was posting, I realized I had too many pictures for one post. And since I feel the need to comment on EVERY SINGLE PICTURE, I know I need to separate my posts. So more pictures from Claire's Homecoming...tomorrow.

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