Friday, February 20, 2009

Aunt Fabulous

Not everyone knows the story behind my becoming "Aunt Fabby," although there is worldwide speculation and have been numerous tabloid rumors. To set the record straight, I need to introduce a few other important characters into the story. Alyson and Matt are the parents of two boys, Sawyer and Brighton. These boys have tried to teach me everything they know in order to help me become a fabulous aunt. Their jobs are far from complete, but I feel pretty confident that they have the expertise to teach me all about how to love little ones.
For Christmas, Santa and Mrs. Claus brought me a new camera. Sawyer and Brighton each wanted a turn taking pictures. I think they did a pretty good job.

The week before Sawyer was born, a little over six years ago, I spent some time with Matt and Alyson. At the time, my overused expression was, "That's Fabulous!" Matt made fun saying that since it was in the last days of Sawyer's development in the womb, he might just come out saying that everything is "Fabulous." Matt went so far as to say that Sawyer might just come out calling me "Aunt Fabulous." We played around with some other silly manifestations of fabulous: Aunt Fab, Aunt Fabu, and it stuck as Aunt Fabby. That is what Matt and Alyson taught Sawyer to call me. Sawyer taught Brighton. And when Andi was pregnant with Jake, she and Jason talked to him about how much Aunt Fabby would love him. So, now I'm a Fabulous Aunt to little boys....what am I ever going to do with a little girl???

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I know that many of you may fall over when you see that I have once again decided to post. It's just a chance I have to take. My life remains fairly uneventful, so I rely heavily on my sister and her family for joy and the form of my amazing nephew, Jake, and my niece-on-the-way, who is yet unnamed.

It is for this reason that I have come out of my blogging respite. I am going to be an Aunt Fabby again, and I need Jake and yet unnamed little sissy to know that I am so proud of them and excited for all the new adventures to come.

Not to blog is really just boring. So, I'm going to post several times over the next couple of days, overload it with pictures and witty comments, and generally attempt to make up for my reticence in the hopes that it will bring enjoyment to those of you who might actually read it.

This is my beautiful sister, Andi, and her fantastic husband, Jason, and Jason's little mini-me, Jaketastic. He is currently the love of my life...Jake, not Jason. 'Cause that would just be wrong.

This was Jake's first Christmas. He is almost 9 months old in this picture. Aren't they a beautiful family? Baby Girl Brown is approximately 3 months along at this point. Although we weren't expecting her to come along this soon, we are all thrilled with the prospect of another little Brown baby to love.

Nanny Shewbert is my great-grandmother. She is 99 years old...although there is some debate about that. She is still somewhat mobile, although she moves much more slowly than she used to, and she does require some support at times. She is blind and her hearing isn't so keen anymore, but she loves Jake Brown, and he is the president of her fan club. Everytime he is able to visit, he loves on her and showers her face with kisses. It's about the sweetest thing around, and usually brings tears to my eyes...although many of you may ask what doesn't make sappy Aunt Fabby cry.

What more could you ask for??? A little Jake is the best gift of all!