Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I never realized it was possible to love something so much that doesn't even belong to you.

This past Saturday, I witnessed my second baby delivery. The first was several years ago, and although it was a truly awesome experience, it pales in comparison to the birth of my nephew, Jake. It's difficult to describe watching my sister labor through contractions and pain. There were moments I wanted to climb on that table and have this baby for her...it hurt to see her in so much pain. But as I participated in the pushing and encouragement for Andi, I was amazed to see this tiny life appear. It was a struggle...one I'm sure we'll tell him all about on each birthday that passes...but a struggle worth having Andi says.

In the few days since his birth, I've been very fortunate to be with Andi, Jason, and Jake quite a bit. I've been able to hold him and help them and participate in this remarkable event. I can't explain how blessed I feel. When I hold that little guy, and he stops crying and searches for a way to see me...and seems to recognize my voice...I get all mushy inside. He's amazing...and fabulous...and I am so glad to be a part of his life.

I keep thinking of things I hope for him. Things like...I hope he likes to read, and watch scary movies. I hope he's coordinated and fast. I hope he's good with money. I hope he's social and affectionate. I hope he's independent, but still needs his family. I hope he is sensitive and brave. Maybe he'll be a teacher like his mom or a preacher like his Paw-Paw or a banker like his Nana. Maybe he'll be a fireman, or a racecar driver, or an astronaut. Maybe he'll be a soccer player or a musician. Maybe he'll be a lion tamer, or a scientist, or an underwater welder. Maybe he'll be a mechanic, or a plumber, or an electrician. Maybe he'll be a soldier. I don't know what he'll be...and I don't much care as long as he works hard and is happy.

Like I said before, I never realized it was possible to love something so much that doesn't even belong to you....But I do.